Wednesday, June 8, 2011

John Keells Tea Market Report:

Better demand for BOP, BOPF teas

Last week’s Ex Estate sale comprising of 1.2 mkgs which is a drop of around 0.5 mkgs from the last sale met with better demand with prices for both BOP and BOPF appreciating.

Western High Grown BOPs appreciated Rs 10 to Rs 15 with a few better invoices gaining even more.

The Best BOPFs on offer were firm to a few Rupees dearer, whilst the Below Best gained Rs 10 to Rs 15 and more at times.

The plainer types too gained, but to a lesser extent. Except for one or two Nuwara Eliya BOPs that appreciated, others were neglected and tended lower.

BOPFs too were neglected with a fair weight remaining unsold although the plainer types were absorbed at slightly easier price levels in comparison to last week. Uva BOP and BOPFs appreciated by Rs 15 on average.

Low Grown CTC PF1s were firm to irregular, whilst High and Medium invoices gained by Rs 5 to Rs 10 on average.

The few brokens on offer appreciated with a few invoices gaining substantially.

There were good demand for the 3.9 mkgs of Low Growns that were on offer this week. However, Select Best OP1s shed Rs 10 to Rs 15, whilst BOP1s declined Rs 20 to Rs 40. OP/OPAs advanced Rs 10 to Rs 20. Select Best Pekoes too advanced Rs 10 to Rs 20. In the Small Leaf category, Select Best BOPs gained Rs 5 to Rs 10. Select Best FBOP and FBOPF1s gained Rs 5 to Rs 10. Better Tippy varieties met with good demand but tended irregular at times.

Western Teas

Select Best BOPs gained Rs 15 to Rs 20 and more following special inquiry, other good invoices advanced Rs 10 to Rs 15 and more, Below Best sorts gained Rs 10 to Rs 15 on average, plainer varieties advanced Rs 15 to Rs 20.

Select Best BOPFs advanced Rs 5 to Rs 10, other good invoices were firm to marginally dearer, Below Best sorts were firm to Rs 5 dearer, plainer varieties gained Rs 5 to Rs 10 and more.

Medium BOPs advanced Rs 10 to Rs 15, BOPFs were firm.

Nuwara Eliya
Teas A few bright BOPs sold well on special inquiry, most others were firm to easier. BOPFs were firm to Rs.5 easier.

Uva Teas

BOP and BOPFs were firm to Rs 10 dearer. Uda Pussellawa BOPs advanced Rs 10 to Rs 15, whilst BOPFs gained Rs 20 and more for the clean leafy sorts.

CTC Teas

Low Grown PF1s advanced Rs 10 on average, BP1s gained Rs 10 to Rs 15. High and Medium PF1s advanced Rs 10 and more at times, BP1s gained Rs 15 to Rs 20 and more.

Low Growns

Good demand. Select Best OP1s eased Rs 10 to Rs 15, however Best and Below Best types were irregularly dearer by a similar margin, poor types were firm to Rs 3 to Rs 5 lower. Select Best BOP1s shed Rs 20 to Rs 40, Best types were firm Rs 5 to Rs 10 lower at times, Below Best and poor sorts were irregularly lower by a similar margin. Select Best OP and OPAs appreciated Rs 20 to Rs 40, balance too gained Rs 10 on average. Select Best Pekoes advanced Rs 30 to Rs 40, Best and Below Best types were dearer by Rs 5 to Rs 10, flaky types were fully firm.

Select Best Pekoe1s appreciated Rs 10 to Rs 15, Best and Below Best types gained Rs 5 to Rs 10, poor types were steady.

Select Best BOPs advanced Rs 5 to Rs 10, Best types were firm, Below Best types gained Rs.5 to Rs 10, poorer sorts were firm.

Select Best BOPSP maintained last levels. Best types moved up Rs 5 to Rs 10, Below Best types shed Rs 10, poorer sorts were lower by Rs 5 to Rs 10.

Select Best FBOPs advanced Rs 5 to Rs 10, Best types maintained last levels, Below Best types eased Rs 5 to Rs 10, poorer sorts shed by a similar margin.

Select Best FBOPF1s maintained last levels, Best types were firm, Below Best types shed Rs 5 to Rs 10, poorer sorts were firm.

Select Best Tippy varieties met with good demand but tended irregular at times, Best types advanced above last, Below Best types were irregular, poorer sorts declined Rs 5 to Rs 10.

Off Grades

Select Best liquoring Fngs1s appreciated by Rs 5 to Rs 10, whilst the Below Best and poorer sorts advanced Rs 10 to Rs.15. Select Best BMs gained Rs 10 to Rs 15, whilst the Below Best and poorer sorts appreciated by Rs 10 to Rs 15.

All BPs were dearer by Rs 5. All Low Grown Fngs were firm to dearer by Rs 5.Select Best BOP1As along with the Best appreciated Rs 10 to Rs 20, whilst Below Best and others too appreciated by a similar margin with good demand.


Select Best Dust1s maintained last levels, whilst the Best and Below Best types appreciated Rs 5 to Rs 10, poorer sorts declined by a similar margin. Clean secondaries were firm, whilst the balance gained Rs 5 to Rs 10. Best Low Grown Dust and Dust1s were firm, whilst balance appreciated Rs 10 to Rs 15.

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