Wednesday, June 8, 2011

SL capital markets showcased to intl. fund managers

Sri Lanka’s capital markets open for business: Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Director General Malik Cader, SEC Capital Market Development Director Vajira Wijegunawardene, LSE Global Development Director Tony Weerasinghe, Senior Minister of International Cooperation Dr. Sarath Amunugama and SEC Chairperson Indrani Sugathadasa applaud at the event in London organised by the London Stock Exchange – Pic by Nimal Navaratne

Sri Lanka continues to gain ground on the global platform as corporate heads and government officials met international fund managers at a forum organised by the London Stock Exchange (LSE).

Describing the event as an “excellent and rare opportunity” Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Director General Malik Cader told the Daily FT that there was “significant interest” from the international fund managers to do business with Sri Lanka. The event took place last week when the LSE invited stakeholders of Sri Lankan capital market to showcase its potential and opportunities to international fund managers based in London.

Top Lankan companies including John Keells Holdings, Hemas Holdings, DFCC Bank, Carson Cumberbatch, Dialog, MTD Walkers and Expolanka made presentations which were followed by one to one meetings with the fund managers that lasted well into the evening, a statement released by the SEC noted.   The event titled ‘Sri Lankan Capital Market Day’ was held on 3 June 2011 at the LSE with the ceremonial opening of the day’s trading under the patronage of Senior Minister of International Co-operation, Dr. Sarath Amunugama.

Subsequently, the Sri Lankan capital market was showcased to a group of over 25 reputed international fund managers.

The opening address was made by, LSE Global Development Director Tony Weerasinghe. Dr. Sarath Amunugama in his keynote address highlighted the importance of current business environment, the opportunities provided by the State and the potential of Sri Lanka being a regional financial hub.

An informative panel discussion was held with the SEC Chairperson Indrani Sugathadasa, Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) Chairman Nihal Fonseka and the SEC Director General Malik Cader.

In addition, the Sri Lankan delegation was hosted to a round table luncheon discussion on 2 June 2011 by Bloomberg News which included a television interview with the Minister and the Chairperson of the SEC.

The Sri Lankan High Commission in the United Kingdom organised an event at the prestigious Carlton Club where the Minister and the delegation met the members of the British Chamber and the Sri Lankan Diaspora.

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